We welcome you to our website and thank you for your interest in reading the legal conditions of the same. We are aware that this topic may not be your favorite, but it is important that you know all the information regarding the legal terms and conditions that define the relationship between the users of our website and our organization, as responsible for this website. As a user it is important that you know these terms before continuing your navigation.
We are E-TRADING BY TM, S.L., from now on E-TRADING, as responsible for this website, we are committed to process the information of our users with full guarantees and comply with the state and European requirements that regulate the collection and use of personal data.
Access to the website is free of charge except for the cost of connection through the telecommunications network provided by the access provider contracted by the users. The use of our website attributes the condition of user person (hereinafter, 'User' or 'User Person') and implies acceptance of all conditions included in this Legal Notice. The provision of the service through our website is limited to the time at which the user is connected. Therefore, the user must carefully read this Legal Notice each time he/she intends to use the Portal, as this and its conditions of use contained in this Legal Notice may be subject to change.
This website strictly complies with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons (RGPD), Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December on Data Protection and Guarantee of Digital Rights (LOPDGDD), as well as Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE or LSSI).
In fulfillment of article 10 of the Law 34/2002, of July 11, of Services of the Society of the Information and Electronic Commerce, next, the identifying data of E-TRADING are exposed:
NIF: B71388680
Address: C/ Lurbeltzeta 32 1º Dcha, 31180, Zizur Mayor (Navarre)
Telephone: +34 948 242 242
E-mail address: info@etradingtrademonsa.com
Registration: Registered in the Mercantile Registry of Navarra, Volume 1965, Folio 122, Page NA-39124.
E-TRADING is the exclusive owner of the exploitation rights of this website. E-TRADING reserves all the rights of intellectual and industrial property derived from the present web site, being necessary the express authorization and in writing by E-TRADING for any exercise and use of the same ones. The present reservation of rights reaches to the external appearance ("look and feel") as well as to the contents that under any format can be included and distributed through this web, to the own code, design and structure of navigation of the web site.
E-TRADING will be able to make, at any time and without previous warning, modifications and updates on the information contained in its web site, or in its configuration or presentation. E-TRADING makes every effort to ensure that the information provided through this website is clear, understandable and adequate, as well as to avoid errors as far as possible and, where appropriate, to repair or update them. However, E-TRADING cannot guarantee the inexistence of errors nor that the content of the information is permanently updated.
E-TRADING in no case will be responsible for the breach on the part of the supplier entities or collaborating people of the intellectual property rights on the authorship of the images and photographies supplied by those, being presupposed that the exploitation rights on the same ones have been properly yielded by their holders to the mentioned suppliers.
The user, by the mere fact of accessing this site, whatever the form of such access, consents and agrees to these conditions, which will mark the regime of use of this website. The owner reserves the right to alter and modify them at any time, being those published in the last update the ones that govern and are applicable to each visit. If the user does not accept all of these conditions, he/she is not authorized to access this website and the contents and services hosted on it and must leave the site immediately. The present conditions are also extensible and applicable to the communications and bulletins that in its case can be sent by the owner of the website, therefore the user must accept the present conditions for its access and/or use.
E-TRADING reserves the right to exclude, temporarily or definitively, the users in any of the following cases:
For breach of any of the present general conditions of use.
For breach of the laws, morality, and public order.
www.etradingtrademonsa.com is the official website of E-TRADING where the user will find the best information about our company as a platform dedicated to e-commerce, where our partners offer the purchase and sale of products.
On our website you can learn about the services we provide and buy online the products offered by our partners, see our offers and you can read informative articles in our blog, as well as contact us through the form provided for this purpose or by email at the address info@etradingtrademonsa.com reserving the right to offer other content and links related or not with the above.
You can read what data we collect and how we treat it in our data protection policy.
It is forbidden the presentation a page of the website in a window of a website that does not belong to the owner of the web www.etradingtrademonsa.com by means of the technique called "framing" unless it has the express consent of E-TRADING.
It is prohibited the insertion of any type of content diffused through the web www.etradingtrademonsa.com en another website different from that one by means of the technique called "inline linking" if it does not have the express consent of E-TRADING.
It is authorized the establishment of hypertext links (hyperlinks) in other websites, which are directed to the home page web www.etradingtrademonsa.com or in its case, to any other internal page ("deep link") of the website, as long as the corresponding pages appear in a complete window and under their respective web addresses, assuming its total responsibility and risk the one that proceeds to establish the hyperlink to the web site web site.
The persons commit themselves to make adequate use of the contents and services that E-TRADING offers through its website and not to use them to (I) incur in illicit, illegal activities or contrary to good faith and public order; (II) spread contents or propaganda of a sexist, racist, xenophobic, pornographic-illegal, apology of terrorism or attempt against human rights; (III) to provoke damages in the computer systems of E-TRADING or of its suppliers; (IV) to introduce or to spread in the network of E-TRADING computer virus or any other systems that are susceptible to provoke the damages, (V) to develop activities that have to do with techniques of decompilation or decoding of content, not authorized.
In the case that the user person or any other person that uses Internet had knowledge that the Web site exhibits contents or services illicit, harmful, denigrating, violent or contrary to the moral or that the linked sites send to pages with this content, should contact E-TRADING in the electronic mail address indicated in this legal warning, identifying itself of the sufficient form if it were necessary and describing the facts that it considers illicit or inadequate. In the case of violation of rights such as intellectual and industrial property, you must also provide the personal data of the holder of the infringed right, when it is a different person from the one who communicates the fact. Also, it will have to provide the title that accredits the legitimacy of the ownership of the rights and, in its case, the one of representation to act on behalf of the holder when it is a different person from the one who communicates and express declaration that the information contained in the claim is exact.
The reception by E-TRADING of the communication foreseen in this clause will not suppose, according to the LSSI, the effective knowledge of the activities and/or contents indicated by the communicating person.
E-TRADING does not guarantee in any way the precision, content, integrity, legality, reliability, actuality, veracity, accuracy, functioning, or availability of the contents and services that it offers, declining any responsibility on them, as well as the damages that in its case can contemplate. The information offered is merely informative and is not representative of anything. The aforementioned is extensible to the links, contents, and opinions not belonging to the owner or not hosted on this website, corresponding the responsibility in any case to the owners of the contents and sites in question. Likewise, E-TRADING is not responsible for the incorrect use that in its case could be made of the offered contents, declining all responsibility in this respect.
E-TRADING is not responsible directly or secondarily for any claims that may arise from the quality, reliability, accuracy, or correctness of the contents.
E-TRADING reserves the right to modify its programs, as well as the systematization of the data provided and the technical characteristics of access and transmission. When such changes do not allow a compatible use with the previous versions installed, E-TRADING will communicate it through its website. Likewise, E-TRADING reserves the right to interrupt partially or totally the service due to technical changes or breakdowns, communicating it previously through its website if it is possible or through any other site enabled to that effect.
E-TRADING will watch over, as far as possible, the computer security of the technical supports used by the user in his navigation through the pages of the website. However, due to the fact that the Internet cannot be considered a safe medium, E-TRADING cannot guarantee the absence of virus or other harmful elements, introduced by third parties, that could cause damages or alterations in the computer system, in the electronic documents or in the files of the user who visits this web site. Consequently, E-TRADING will not respond to the damages that such elements could cause to the users and third parties.
It is not the responsibility of E-TRADING the operative system that at this moment is implanted, nor the consequences that of a bad operation of the same one could be derived.
E-TRADING reserves the right to carry out without previous warning the modifications that it considers opportune in its Web site, being able to change, suppress, or add so much the contents and services that are lent through the same one as the form in which these appear presented or located in its Web site.
E-TRADING is not responsible for the contents, information and images that do not depend on the website, nor are managed by E-TRADING, even if they appear on the website by virtue of any agreement signed by E-TRADING.
E-TRADING will pursue the breach of the above conditions, as well as any prohibited and improper use of its website, exercising all civil and criminal actions that may correspond to it by law.
In the event that any clause or part thereof of this notice is declared null and void, such circumstance shall not affect the validity of the remainder.
We know that we will get along well, but in order to specify all possible situations that may arise, we would like to inform you that the law applicable to any dispute that may arise in relation to this website and the contents offered therein shall be Spanish law. The parties agree to submit to the Courts and Tribunals of Pamplona, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them, unless in accordance with your national law, there is a legal jurisdiction regulation that excludes the possibility of express submission, in which case the legal provision shall apply.
Last updated on June 15, 2023